
If you would like a PDF reprint for any article, please contact Rory Telemeco at

See Google Scholar for up-to-date citation indices

Westfall, A.K., R.S. Telemeco, M.B. Grizante, D.S. Waits, A.D. Clark, D.Y. Simpson, R.L. Klabacka, A.P. Sullivan, G.H. Perry,  J.R. Oaks,  M.W. Sears,  C.L. Cox,   R.M. Cox,  M.E. Gifford,  H.B. John-Alder,  T. Lankilde,  M.J. Angilletta Jr.,  A.D. Leaché,  M.A. Tollis,  K. Kusumi, and T.S. Schwartz. (2021) A chromosome-level genome assembly for the Eastern Fence Lizard (Sceloporus undulatus), a reptile model for physiological and evolutionary ecology. GigaScience. 10: 1-17. DOI: 10.1093/gigascience/giab06.

Telemeco, R.S.†, and E.J. Gangloff. 2021†. Introduction to the special issue–Beyond CTMAX and CTMIN: Advances in studying the thermal limits of reptiles and amphibians. Journal of Experimental Zoology A. 335: 1-5.  DOI: 10.1002/jez.2447

Taylor, E.N., L.M. Diele-Viegas, E.J. Gangloff, J.M. Hall, B. Halpern, M.D. Massey, D. Rödder, N. Rollinson, S. Spears, B.-J. Sun, and R.S. Telemeco. 2020.  The thermal ecology and physiology of reptiles and amphibians: A user’s guide. Journal of Experimental Zoology A 2020:1–32. DOI: 10.1002/jez.2396

Aparicio Ramirez, A.†*, K. Perez†*, and R.S. Telemeco.  2020.  Thermal behavior and performance of Crested Geckos, Correlophus ciliatus, suggest an extended optimality hypothesis for the evolution of thermoregulatory set points. Journal of Experimental Zoology A. Early View. DOI: 10.1002/jez.2388

Telemeco, R.S., and E.J. Gangloff.  2020.  Analyzing stress as a multivariate phenotypeIntegrative and Comparative Biology. icaa005. DOI: 10.1093/icb/icaa005  

Telemeco, R.S., D.Y. Simpson, C.Tylan, T. Langkilde, and T.S. Schwartz.  2019. Contrasting responses of lizards to divergent ecological stressors across biological levels of organization. Integrative and Comparative Biology.  59: 282-291.  DOI: 10.1093/icb/icz071

Gangloff, E.J.†, and R.S. Telemeco†. 2018. High temperature, oxygen, and performance: Insights from reptiles and amphibians. Integrative and Comparative Biology 58: 9-24. DOI: 10.1093/icb/icy005

Camacho, A.G., J.M. VandenBrooks, A. Riley*, R.S. Telemeco, and M.J. Angilletta. 2018. Oxygen supply did not affect how lizards responded to thermal stress. Integrative Zoology 13: 428-436. DOI: 10.1111/1749-4877.12310

Camacho, A., T. Rusch, G. Ray, R.S. Telemeco, M. Rodrigues, and M. Angilletta. 2018. Measuring behavioral thermal tolerance to address hot topics in ecology, evolution, and conservation. Journal of Thermal Biology 73: 71-79. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2018.01.009

Cordero, G.A., R.S. Telemeco, and E.J. Gangloff. 2018. Reptile embryos are not capable of behavioral thermoregulation in the eggEvolution and Development.  20: 40-47. DOI: 10.1111/ede.12244

Telemeco, R.S., E.J. Gangloff, G.A. Cordero, R.A. Polich, A.M. Bronikowski, and F.J. Janzen (2017) Physiology at near critical temperatures, but not critical limits, varies between lizard species that partition the thermal environment.  Journal of Animal Ecology 86: 1510-1522.  Preprint. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.12738

Telemeco, R.S., B. Fletcher*, O. Levy, A. Riley*, Y. Rodriguez-Sanchez*, C. Smith*, C. Teague*, A. Waters*, M.J. Angilletta, and L.B. Buckley (2016). Lizards fail to plastically adjust nesting behavior or thermal tolerance as needed to buffer populations from climate warmingGlobal Change Biology. 23: 1075-1084 Preprint. DOI: 10.1111/gcb13476

Telemeco, R.S., E.J. Gangloff, G.A. Cordero, T.S. Mitchell, B.L. Bodensteiner, K.G. Holden, S.M. Mitchell, R.L. Polich, and F.J. Janzen. 2016. Reptile embryos lack the opportunity to thermoregulate by moving within the egg. American Naturalist 188: E13-E37.

Gangloff, E.J., K.G. Holden, R.S. Telemeco, L.H. Baumbard, and A.M. Bronikowski. 2016. Hormonal and metabolic responses to upper temperature extremes in divergent life-history ecotypes of garter snakesJournal of Experimental Biology. 219: 2944-2954.

Dillon, M.E., H.A. Woods, G. Wang, S.B. Fey, D.A. Vasseur, R.S. Telemeco, K. Marshall, and S. Pincebourde.  2016. Life in the frequency domain: The biological impacts of changes in climate variability at multiple time scales.  Integrative and Comparative Biology 56: 14-30.

Smith, C. †*, R.S. Telemeco †, M.J. Angilletta, J.M. VandenBrooks. 2015. Oxygen supply limits the heat tolerance of lizard embryos.  Biology Letters 11: 20150113.

Telemeco, R.S.  2015.  Sex determination in the southern alligator lizard (Elgaria multicarinata, Anguidae)Herpetologica.  71: 8-11.

Telemeco, R.S. and E.A. Addis.  2014.  Temperature has species-specific effects on corticosterone in alligator lizardsGeneral and Comparative Endocrinology 206: 184-192.

Telemeco, R.S.  2014.  Immobile and mobile life-history stages have different thermal physiologies in a lizardPhysiological and Biochemical Zoology 87: 203–215.

Telemeco, R.S., K.C. Abbott, and F.J. Janzen. 2013.  Modeling the effects of climate-change induced shifts in reproductive phenology on temperature-dependent traits. American Naturalist 181: 637–648.

Telemeco, R.S., D.A. Warner, M.K. Reida, and F.J. Janzen. 2013. Extreme developmental temperatures result in morphological abnormalities in painted turtles (Chrysemys picta): A climate change perspective. Integrative Zoology 8: 198–209.

Warner, D.A., M.A. Moody*, R.S. Telemeco, and J.J. Kolbe.  2012.  Egg environments have large effects on embryonic development, but have minimal consequences for hatchling phenotypes in an invasive lizardBiological Journal of the Linnean Society 105: 25–41.

Warner, D.A., M.A. Moody*, and R.S. Telemeco.  2011.  Is water uptake by reptilian eggs regulated by physiological processes of embryos or a passive response to developmental environmentsComparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 160: 421–425.

Telemeco, R.S., T.A. Baird, and R. Shine.  2011.  Tail waiving in a lizard (Bassiana duperreyi) functions to deflect attacks rather than as a pursuit-deterrent signalAnimal Behaviour 82: 369–375.

Telemeco, R.S. and T.A. Baird.  2011.  Capital energy fuels production of multiple clutches whereas income energy fuels growth in collared lizards (Crotaphytus collaris). Oikos 120: 915–921.

Telemeco, R.S., R. Radder, R. Shine, and T.A. Baird.  2010.  Thermal effects on reptile reproduction: Adaptation and acclimation in a montane lizard. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 100: 642–655.

Telemeco, R.S., M.J. Elphick, and R. Shine.  2009.  Nesting lizards (Bassiana duperreyi) compensate partly, but not completely, for climate changeEcology.  90: 17–22.

Dissertation and Theses

Telemeco PhD Dissertation:  Here be Dragons: Functional Analyses of Thermal Adaptation and Biogeography of Reptiles in a Changing World. Iowa State University

Telemeco MS Thesis:  Are Reproductive Life-History Traits of Australian Three-line Skinks Fixed or Phenotypically Plastic?  University of Central Oklahoma

Publications In Press, Review, Revision, or Preparation

Smith, J.M.†, R.S. Telemeco†, B.A. Briones Ortiz, C.R. Nufio, and L.B. Buckley. (2021). Greater seasonal developmental plasticity in higher-elevation grasshopper populations. Frontiers in Physiology. IN PRESS

Telemeco, R.S.†, E.J. Gangloff†, G.A. Cordero, E. Rodgers, and F. Aubret. (In Review, available upon request).  From performance curves to performance surfaces: Interactive effects of temperature and oxygen availability on aerobic and anaerobic performance in the lizard Podarcis muralis. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Leibold, D.C.‡, J.A. Gastelum*, D. Underhill*, N. Putnam*, J.M. VandenBrooks, and R.S. Telemeco.  (In Revision, available upon request). High metabolic demand reduces preferred body temperature in a lizard, but not in ecologically relevant oxygen environments.  Journal of Experimental Zoology A

Leibold, D.C.‡, V. Valencia*, E.J. Gangloff, and R.S. Telemeco. (In Preparation, available upon request). Metabolic recovery from exertion depends on the form of perturbation in lizards.  Planned submission to Journal of Experimental Biology Fall 2021.

Heredia, I.E.*, R.M. Warnert*, J.A. Gastelum*, E. Madrigal*, Y. Mordvinov, N.A. Pirogova*, V. Salcedo*, N. Xiong*, and R.S. Telemeco. (In Preparation, available upon request).  Frugivorous lizards (Crested Gecko, Correlophus ciliatus) avoid but can process ethanol in their diet.  Planned submission to Journal of Experimental Zoology A Winter 2021-2022.

Underhill, D.*, N. Putnam*, V. Valencia*, T.A. Van Laar, and R.S. Telemeco. (In Preparation, available upon request). Effects of early-life exposure to adult feces and natural substrate on the survival, phenotype, and gut microbiome of Western Fence Lizards. Planned submission to Proceedings of the Royal Society B Winter 2021-2022.

Telemeco, R.S., B. Lavin, and C.R. Feldman (In Preparation, available upon request) Local adaptation and speciation in alligator lizards: An integrative analysis combining morphological, ecological, and molecular evidence.  Planned submission to Ecology and Evolution Spring 2022.

*: undergraduate mentee, ‡: MS student, †: equal contributions